Resume Kit for early career UX designers
Resume Kit - Landing Your First UX Jobs
In this kit, you will find the resume template that has helped me land my very first UX design job in Silicon Valley, right out of the bootcamp. I have iterated many versions taking advice from career coaches and industry experts, on language, format, and most importantly - storytelling. In addition, you will find a checklist covering key areas for your resume.
It is NOT a template kit with different formats or visual designs.
If you are a working professional looking to make a career change to UX (like me), or a student who is ready to apply your first UX jobs, you are probably wondering how to make your resume shine with limited experience. This resume template will save you hundreds of hours in work with real example and actionable advice.
This kit is available to download in PDF, with link to template made in Google Doc that is easy to edit.